

What is a spirograph?

A spirograph is a simple device composed of a system of toothed circular shapes. By moving the pen along the trajectory formed by the gears, regular and symmetrical shapes are created. The mathematical curves that arise are called Hypotrochoids and Epitrochoids.

1881 – 1900 – A tool called a spirograph was invented by the Polish mathematician Bruno Abdank-Abakanowicz between 1881 and 1900 to draw spirals.

1887 – A Frenchman, Bataille, patented such an instrument in March 1887.

1965 – A spirograph was exhibited for the first time at the Nuremberg Toy Fair in 1965.

1966 – In 1966, Kenner introduced it as a creative toy for drawing „a million amazing patterns.“

How do you find out how many vertices (leaves) the shape will have?


How many turns will the small wheel make when it returns to its original position?

The smallest common multiple (NSN) of the number of teeth on the inside of the wheel (105 teeth) will help us here, which we divide by the number of teeth of the small ring (60 teeth).

Number of vertices = NSN / number of small circle teeth

How do I find the least common multiple?

Number of peaks = 420/60 = 7


Check it out on paper.

A spirograph is a mathematical toy that can be used to draw interesting symmetrical shapes.

Create your own pattern!

Change the combination and position of the wheels, use different holes and pens or markers. Try to draw according to the instructions or come up with something of your own.