Does the phrase collective intelligence tell you anything? For example, ants or termites are relatively primitive animals as individuals. However, when they work as a community, they can make smart decisions. For example neurons in the brain work in a similar way. How about using this theory to estimate the answers to mathematical questions?
Dr. Galton conducted an experiment in 1906 in which he asked 800 random passers-by for weigh the ox which he had next to him (he didn’t mean his assistant). He proved that none of the respondents guessed it exactly. But what surprised him? When he calculated the average of all the answers, he found that he had worked out the exact weight of his ox.
If you ask a larger group of people to estimate the number of balls in a glass jar, most of them will not be accurate. However, it is likely that the median of all the answers will be very close to the actual number of balls in the glass jar.